Vincent John Cagay's photo


I am a software engineer with over eight years of experience working in the industry. Most of my work experience involves migrating legacy systems and bring them into the modern age.

At the start of my career, I was a full-stack developer that writes back-end code in PHP. When I learned of the existence of Node.js, I realized that someone could write a full-stack application in just JavaScript. Most of my peers were back-end developers, and the front-end was the Wild Wild West of code (and still is today). Nowadays, people use mobile devices, and seeing my code show up on those things made me realize that front-end development could be something I could specialize on.

While being well-versed in making web applications, I also have a keen interest in mobile development and cloud infrastructure. Given enough time, I also make sure the code I produce is of the highest quality — well-tested, scalable, and accessible.

Please see some of my work in GitHub and GitLab. You may contact me via Linkedin or email. You may also see my resume.

I am from the Philippines, but currently based in Japan. Let us meet when you are here!